2008年2月27日 星期三

wow my new blog

So happy to have a new blog set in my favorite way, although it still needs some more decorations to make it perfect, but i'll finish it soon. Learing how to use computer to do a lot of work is exciting, also i am thrilled to catch more skills in the class. To make it interesting and motivatinal, i guess i will have to improve my skill of serching sources in the internet first, in that case, i can catch more Edison's newly released pics quickly. Of corse, it's very convenient to get some useful and helpful information to do our study, and i buy this way to use computer. Still, as a modern person, i agree and believe that computer can help u a lot in many aspects when you use it well. I read books, but i am afraid i need to accept that computer is more convenient than book while you can't have books around you. Thanks, and rock.