2008年5月28日 星期三

The Reflection to the Class

This semester is about to end, and we are about to grasuate, too.

I think it's time to think back, to think all the thing which happened in this semester.

I am very grateful of having taken this course, because i've really learned pretty much in this

course, such as getting the ideas of constructing the websites for english learning, how to present

properly in front of the class, and how to manipulate the simple and useful computer skills we

are going to use in our presentation. Moreover, this class helped me conquer my jitters to the

people and the presentaion. After taking this course, i am sure i will do a better job if i have the

chance to do the smiliar works. Thanks for the teacher Josephine's guidance.

2008年4月15日 星期二

The website i choose to evaluate and my feeling about last time's presentation of ours

CNN Reading & Listening

i love this one , because i really want to improve my listening ability.
actualluy, i didn't major in English in the first place; i changed my major to English
when i was about to graduate from the five-year colleage, and that used to be a tough time i think.
about last week's presentation, i think we can do better next time, and also i am very excited about this, for i am very interesting in English, and speak in front of whole class is great.
peace and rock.

2008年4月2日 星期三

My opioion about audacirty

Well, audacirty is a music editing software used to record and edit the sources of music, and finally you can mix the music sources into one track; also, you can blance the sounds, add some effects, and store your project into many form of file. This software is definately useful for the beginners who want to start trying to do some projecrts about music, but audacirty is downloaded for free, so its functions are not very high quality, and this is its drawback and it proves that if you pay, you get quality.

2008年3月24日 星期一


Call is a abbreviation of Computer Assisted language learning, and this kind of method of learning language can be divided into three terms.

first one is called Behavioristic CALL, a language learning method used with computer to drill and train the language learner's language ability. In this, the learners improve language skill by repeatedly training of reading with computer. In some aspects, this method is usefull, but it doesn't fit the higher level students for learning language and doesn't fit teacher for teaching higher level students.

the second one is Communicative CALL, a newer one than Behavioristic CALL, which added some new functions like not to grade students, to give students more chance to speak, and not to show to much explanation of grammar rules.

the third one is the Integrative CALL, is a language learning method baesd on multimedia computers and internet, and the language learners can learn language with the mouse clicked by their fingers.

Mark Warschauer is a Professor in the Department of Education and the Department of Informatics at the University of California. Dr. Warschauer's research focuses on the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in schools and community centers.

For students who want to learn more directly and clearly through internet, they can use computer through the internet, and at the other side of internet that students pull through is the other people or the other spaces, and students can talk to them and see them to get more information they want.

2008年3月5日 星期三

the second class

Entering the class, i found that there ware less students in it than last week, what s pity...
i think the teacher's good, the class' good, except the charge of the text book, but that's ok to me because i don't have the one like this, and it's worthwile buying it, for me. Also, i really think that the content of this book is "kind of" complex and much, it's "kind of" hard to finish reading one chapter before the next class, just like a mirucle challenge, so i strongly suggest the beautiful teacher shorten the content we have to prepare before going to the class, thanks.

2008年2月27日 星期三

wow my new blog

So happy to have a new blog set in my favorite way, although it still needs some more decorations to make it perfect, but i'll finish it soon. Learing how to use computer to do a lot of work is exciting, also i am thrilled to catch more skills in the class. To make it interesting and motivatinal, i guess i will have to improve my skill of serching sources in the internet first, in that case, i can catch more Edison's newly released pics quickly. Of corse, it's very convenient to get some useful and helpful information to do our study, and i buy this way to use computer. Still, as a modern person, i agree and believe that computer can help u a lot in many aspects when you use it well. I read books, but i am afraid i need to accept that computer is more convenient than book while you can't have books around you. Thanks, and rock.