2008年3月24日 星期一


Call is a abbreviation of Computer Assisted language learning, and this kind of method of learning language can be divided into three terms.

first one is called Behavioristic CALL, a language learning method used with computer to drill and train the language learner's language ability. In this, the learners improve language skill by repeatedly training of reading with computer. In some aspects, this method is usefull, but it doesn't fit the higher level students for learning language and doesn't fit teacher for teaching higher level students.

the second one is Communicative CALL, a newer one than Behavioristic CALL, which added some new functions like not to grade students, to give students more chance to speak, and not to show to much explanation of grammar rules.

the third one is the Integrative CALL, is a language learning method baesd on multimedia computers and internet, and the language learners can learn language with the mouse clicked by their fingers.

Mark Warschauer is a Professor in the Department of Education and the Department of Informatics at the University of California. Dr. Warschauer's research focuses on the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in schools and community centers.

For students who want to learn more directly and clearly through internet, they can use computer through the internet, and at the other side of internet that students pull through is the other people or the other spaces, and students can talk to them and see them to get more information they want.
